Department of Urban & Regional Planning

Urban planning means finding creative approaches to community needs and challenges

We think about how the environments we create affect social conditions and communities, especially for underserved and vulnerable populations.
People. Places. Planet. Plan it!

When I was applying to college, I had trouble choosing a field of study simply because I was interested in too many things. After a year, I found urban planning, which combines everything I love and allows me to utilize my outgoing, determined, and creative personality.

Roya Nassirpour, BAUSP candidate, 2022

Choose your path

Through a study of urban planning, you’ll join a community that’s passionate about working together to transform societies for the better.

World-class university, micro-urban community

Studying urban planning at the University of Illinois means you have access to the resources, facilities, and minds of a global R1 university. It also makes you part of a long tradition: planning has been offered at Illinois since 1912.


Getting involved in planning issues at all levels is easy in Champaign-Urbana. Work with three planning commissions, two city councils, a county board, a transit agency, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, the Sustainability Advisory Commission, the Community Development Commission, and more!

An extraordinary opportunity to build relationships

Our program attracts people who are passionate about what they do, and the size of our department makes it easy to bond with classmates and faculty. Members of our faculty are approachable both in and out of the classroom. Join us for the holiday gathering in the Blicharski Atrium, kickball on the South Quad, and potluck dinners at a faculty member’s house.

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