Designing a Gender-Equal City: Perspectives from Vienna, Barcelona, and France
In recent years, more European cities have begun to tackle the challenge of advancing gender equality by designing public spaces with gender in mind. But what does a gender-equal city look like, and how does gender-equal urban planning work in practice? This panel event brings together Eva Kail, a Vienna-based expert in gender equality in urban planning; Sara Ortiz Escalante, a feminist urban planner from the Barcelona NGO Col·lectiu Punt 6; and Stéphanie Dadour, an associate professor at École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture of Paris-Malaquais to discuss the theory and practice of gender-equal cities. This event is part of the City/Cité conferences of the Villa Albertine.
Eva Kail, Urban Planner, City of Vienna
Sara Ortiz Escalante, Urban Planner, Col·lectiu Punt 6
Stéphanie Dadour, Associate Professor, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture of Paris-Malaquais,
Laboratoire ACS UMR AUSser
Faranak Miraftab, Professor of Urban and Regional Planning and Acting Director of the Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign