Get A Job Series - Cover Letters and Resumes
The department is continuing the “Get A Job” series this semester. The goal of this series is to provide a variety of professional development activities for students. The first event of the semester will be Friday, February 11th at noon (12pm) with a session on putting together cover letters and resumes by Julie Rundell, Assistant Director of Career Services at the College of Fine & Applied Arts. This event will be in-person in Temple Buell Hall in Plym Auditorium, room 134.
Future events include:
- Interview techniques w/Rob Kowalski, City of Champaign Assistant Planning & Development Director (Thursday Feb. 17 at 5pm in Temple Buell Hall room 225)
- Negotiating your contract & understanding benefits w/Julie Rundell, Assistant Director of Career Services at the College of Fine & Applied Arts (Thursday Feb. 24 at 5pm in Temple Buell Hall room 225)
- Starting a new job alumni panel (Thursday Mar. 31 at 5pm on Zoom)