Workshop: Introduction to R for Planners
Saturday January 30 and Saturday February 6
9 am – 2 pm via Zoom
In this free 2-day interactive workshop, Professors Fang Fang and Andrew Greenlee will introduce the basics of R and RStudio and will explore applications of these tools for urban planning and analysis.
Topics covered include:
- Introduction to the R programming language and RStudio IDE
- Basic data structures, data description, and data manipulation
- Programmatically downloading and working with Census data
- Data visualization with GGplot
- Mapmaking and Spatial Analysis
This workshop is intended as a basic introduction to R and RStudio – no prior experience is required. This workshop is intended for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in urban planning, and also as a supplement to instruction covered in UP 431: Urban Transportation Modeling and UP 494-AG: Neighborhood Analysis. Students in those classes as well as graduate students in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning will receive priority enrollment in the workshop. Advanced undergraduates and students from other programs are welcome based upon space availability.
Please use the following link to register for the workshop – the instructors will notify you of your acceptance into the workshop and will provide more instructions. Please register by January 27, 2021.
Please contact Professor Greenlee ( with questions.