Register for October 22 Happy Hour
The APA-IL Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Committee is hosting their first virtual happy hour! Meet the Women of Color newly elected to the APA-IL 2021-22 Boards and network with other APA-IL members in a relaxed, after-work virtual chat. All Planners of Color are welcome. Members, it’s time to grab your beverage of choice, sit back, and blow off some steam!
Planners of Color Happy Hour
Friday, October 22, 2020
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM CDT
via Zoom
Free for APA-IL Members!
The APA-IL Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is delighted to be able to provide this opportunity, helping to fulfill it’s mission to provide ongoing education forums and opportunities for planners, students and university faculty of different backgrounds to network, share ideas and bring recognition to unique values and perspectives.
Grab a beverage and something to munch on, sit down at your computer or call in, and join your fellow planners for conversation and camaraderie.
Register for October 22 Happy Hour
Students, plan commissioners, allied professionals – all members are welcome! Not an APA or APA-IL member? Please consider becoming an APA-IL Chapter-Only member for just $50/year. Click here for more info!