Urban History and Theory: Policing & the City
This event features Dr. Samaneh Moafi, Senior Researcher at Forensic Architecture, a multidisciplinary research group based at Goldsmiths, University of London that uses spatial and urban techniques and technologies to investigate cases of state violence and violations of human rights around the world. Dr. Moafi will present different case studies conducted with and on behalf of communities around the globe, including the ongoing investigations in the context of the Black Lives Matters protests in the United States, the 2019-2020 anti-government protests in Santiago de Chile, and the 2019-2020 protests in Hong-Kong, among others. Dr. Moafi’s presentation will be followed by Q & A.
Dr. Samaneh Moafi is the Senior Researcher at Forensic Architecture, Goldsmiths University of London. She provides conceptual oversight across projects and, in particular, oversees the Centre for Contemporary Nature (CCN), where new evidentiary techniques are developed for investigating cases of environmental destruction. More recently, CCN has launched a research program on toxic clouds that are mobilized by states, police and militaries, and corporate powers. Samaneh earned her Ph.D. from the Architectural Association (AA) School of Architecture with a dissertation on the contemporary history of state-initiated mass housing in Iran and the class identities and gender roles it informed.
To register, contact Yasamin Koshpour: yasamin2@illinois.edu