Urban Forestry in DC: The Simple Act of Keeping Track
Earl Eutsler, Associate Director/State Forester, Urban Forestry Division, District Department of Transportation
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Mr. Eutsler is the associate director of the Urban Forestry Division in the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). The Urban Forestry Division for DDOT is the leader in annual tree-planting programs in Washington, DC. These professionals are also responsible for improving trees’ growing conditions by reviewing permit applications, enforcing regulations, expanding tree boxes, tree pruning and removing, creating planting strips, increasing soil volume, and tree watering to provide as much opportunity as possible for trees to thrive in the city. Their ongoing programs successfully get local communities engaged in planting trees, sharing stories and experiences, and protect the urban tree canopy.
Earl will share how his team has leveraged the simple act of keeping track to:
- Enhance their delivery of on-time service
- Allocate resources where they are most needed, rather than just to where people request them
- Improve the composition and structure of the forest we manage, making it more resilient and adapted to future conditions
- Communicate the value of the resource itself, their work caring for it, and drive engagement and stewardship
This lecture/event is supported by the Louis B. Wetmore Fund.